\name{GeneGA-package} \alias{GeneGA-package} \docType{package} \title{ Designing gene based on mRNA secondary structure and codon usage bias using Genetic algorithm, GeneGA includes the information of highly expressed genes of almost 200 genomes. } \description{ R based Genetic algorithm for gene expression optimization considering mRNA secondary structure and codon usage bias } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab GeneGA\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.1.2\cr Date: \tab 2010-11-19\cr License: \tab GPL version 2\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } } \author{ Zhenpeng Li, Fei Li, Xiaochen Bo and Shengqi Wang Maintainer: Zhenpeng Li } \references{ Liu L.,Kang L.S.,Chen Y.P.. (1993). Non-numerical parallel algorithms(The second volume)--genetic algorithms,Science Press(In Chinese) Tuller T, Carmi A, Vestsigian K, et al. An Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanism for Controlling the Efficiency of Protein Translation. Cell 2010, 141:344-354 } \keyword{ package } \seealso{\code{\link{GeneGA}}, \code{\link{GeneFoldGA}}, \code{\link{GeneCodon}}, \code{\link{GeneGA-class}}, \code{\link{GeneFoldGA-class}}, \code{\link{show-methods}}, \code{\link{plotGeneGA-methods}}, \code{\link{wSet}} } \examples{ seqfile=system.file("sequence","EGFP.fasta",package="GeneGA") seq=unlist(getSequence(read.fasta(seqfile),as.string=TRUE)) GeneGA.result=GeneFoldGA(sequence=seq,popSize=40,iters=100,crossoverRate=0.3, mutationChance=0.05,region=c(1,42)) plotGeneGA(GeneGA.result) show(GeneGA.result) }