\name{pcChooser} \alias{pcChooser} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ utility to assist in choosing number of PCs to remove owing to expression heterogeneity } \description{ utility to assist in choosing number of PCs to remove owing to expression heterogeneity -- only cis testing as of jan 2011 } \usage{ pcChooser(sms, cand = c(1, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40), fmla, radius = c(1e+05), chr = "20", smlc = "20", geneApply = lapply, pvals = c(1e-06, 1e-07, 1e-08, 1e-09), ncore=NULL, ffind=1, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{sms}{ instance of \code{\link[GGBase]{smlSet-class}} } \item{cand}{ number of PCs to be excluded in successive runs } \item{fmla}{ formula to be used by \code{\link{cisProxScores}} } \item{radius}{ number of basepairs up and downstream from gene boundaries to be checked for eQTL } \item{chr}{ chromosome for current run, for use in space selection for GRanges-associated SNP addressing } \item{smlc}{ name of chromosome in \code{names(smList(sms))} for this run } \item{geneApply}{ iterator to be used for genes } \item{pvals}{ upper bounds on p-values to declare eQTL present } \item{ncore}{if set to numeric value, options(cores=ncore) will be executed by this function, useful if geneApply=mclapply} \item{ffind}{chrom selector passed to cisProxScores, typically default is appropriate choice} \item{\dots}{ passed to \code{\link{cisProxScores}} } } \details{ The idea is that we want to maximize the number of eQTL declared, and that there will be diminishing returns as the number of PCs included grows. %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ } \value{ matrix with columns corresponding to \code{cands} and rows corresponding to \code{pvals} -- the row names are the chi-squared threshold values for \code{\link[snpStats]{snp.rhs.tests}} results %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %% \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'} %% \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} %% ... } %\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} %\author{ %% ~~who you are~~ %} %\note{ %% ~~further notes~~ %} %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ data(hmceuB36.2021) library(illuminaHumanv1.db) g20 = get("20", revmap(illuminaHumanv1CHR)) g20 = intersect(g20, featureNames(hmceuB36.2021))[1:40] pcChooser( hmceuB36.2021[probeId(g20),], cand=c(7,9,11), fmla=~male, radius=1e6, chr="20", smlc="20", geneApply=lapply, pvals=10^(-c(3:5))) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ models }