\name{externalize} \alias{externalize} \alias{getSS} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ create R package with decomposable smlSet representation } \description{ create R package with decomposable smlSet representation } \usage{ externalize(smlSet, packname, author = "Replace Me ", maintainer = "Replace Me ") getSS( packname, chrs ) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{smlSet}{ instance of \code{\link[GGBase]{smlSet-class}} } \item{packname}{ arbitrary string naming the package that will hold the externalized representation -- this should not coincide with the name of any installed package, as such would be overwritten } \item{author}{ string that should be a valid Author: entry for a DESCRIPTION file } \item{maintainer}{ string that should be a valid Maintainer: entry for a DESCRIPTION file } \item{chrs}{vector of strings naming chromosomes to be included in the \code{\link[GGBase]{smlSet-class}} instance created by \code{getSS}} } \details{ Each \code{\link[snpStats]{SnpMatrix-class}} instance in the \code{smlEnv} slot of \code{smlSet} is written to disk in a folder inst/parts of the source package generated by this function. The \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}} instance in the \code{smlSet} is isolated and saved as \code{eset.rda} to the data folder of the source package generated by this function. \code{getSS} will construct an \code{\link[GGBase]{smlSet-class}} instance with the expression data and selected chromosomes } \value{ instance of \code{\link[GGBase]{smlSet-class}} } %\references{ %%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} \author{ VJ Carey } \note{ The purpose is to avoid loading very large objects as SNP panels grow into the millions. With this approach in-memory images can be chromosome-size, or smaller if desired, depending on the structure of \code{smList(smlSet)}. } %\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(hmceuB36.2021) owd = getwd() setwd(tempdir()) externalize(hmceuB36.2021, "hmdemo") system("tar zcvf hmdemo.tar.gz hmdemo") install.packages("hmdemo.tar.gz", repos=NULL) library(hmdemo) getSS("hmdemo", "20") setwd(owd) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ models } \keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line