\name{getTool} \alias{getTool} \title{Get the tool handler of a given service using the tool name...} \usage{getTool(service,toolName="menu",selection.title="Select Tool", graphicMenu=getOption("menu.graphics"))} \description{Get the tool handler of a given service using the tool name} \value{the Envision service tool handler.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \arguments{\item{service}{Service handler} \item{toolName}{The name of Envision service tool handler to be retrieved. If equal to "menu" (default) and the number of tools is greater than 1 menu is contructed allowing to choose one of the available services.} \item{selection.title}{The selection list title. Default is 'Select Tool'.} \item{graphicMenu}{If TRUE (default is FALSE), use a GUI window for the pick menus.}} \examples{#get the tool handler for 'mapProteinsAdv' tool in 'Picr' service service<-getService("Picr"); getToolNames(service); tool<-getTool(service,"mapProteinsAdv");}