\name{getServiceOptions} \alias{getServiceOptions} \title{Get default service options.} \usage{getServiceOptions(serviceName="menu", graphicMenu=getOption("menu.graphics"))} \description{Get default service options.} \value{The list where each item name and value corresponds to the particular option name and default value correspondingly.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \arguments{\item{serviceName}{The name of Envision service which default options should be retrieved.} \item{graphicMenu}{If TRUE (default is FALSE), use a GUI window for the pick menus. If equal to "menu" (default) menu is contructed allowing to choose one of the available services}} \examples{#get options for 'Reactome' service options<-getServiceOptions("Reactome"); print(options); \dontrun{ #get options for a service selected interactively getServiceOptions("menu"); }}