\name{getIntactMatchInfo} \alias{getIntactMatchInfo} \title{Retrieve IntAct match info from the 'Entry' node of the Enfin xml document.} \usage{getIntactMatchInfo(entry, positiveResultIDs, participant.keyword="participant", primary.ref.keyword="xrefs")} \description{Retrieve IntAct match info from the 'Entry' node of the Enfin xml document.} \value{The array consisting of three columns, the first containing the source ID set, and the second containing the ID set the source IDs are interacting with and the thirfd containing IntAct interaction ID.} \keyword{internal} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \arguments{\item{entry}{The 'Entry' node of the Enfin xml document.} \item{positiveResultIDs}{Set of 'ID' nodes of the Enfin xml document which contain the pair match information.} \item{participant.keyword}{The keyword identifying the match related information within the match top node. Default is "participant".} \item{primary.ref.keyword}{The keyword identifying the IntAct ID related information. Default is 'xrefs'.}}