\name{getIdEntries} \alias{getIdEntries} \title{Retrieve a set of all ID entries...} \usage{getIdEntries(entry, nodeName="molecule", primaryAttr="id", dataAttrs=c("id", "db"))} \description{Retrieve a set of all ID entries} \value{Data frame with a single column containing all (input and output) IDs. with row names corresponding to the Enfin xml reference names.} \keyword{internal} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \arguments{\item{entry}{The 'Entry' node of the Enfin xml document.} \item{nodeName}{The name identifying the node containing the ID info. Default is 'molecule'.} \item{primaryAttr}{The name of attribute which is used as row names of the output data frame. Default is 'id' standing for gene ID} \item{dataAttrs}{The names of the attributes which values are to be retrieved. Default is c('id','db'), i.e. gene ID and data base source.}}