\name{ENVISIONQuery.loop} \alias{ENVISIONQuery.loop} \title{Perform queries in chunks to comply with potential limitations...} \usage{ENVISIONQuery.loop(ids, chunk, queryFun, verbose, ...)} \description{Perform queries in chunks to comply with potential limitations on the query size for Envision Web query system.} \keyword{internal} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \arguments{\item{ids}{Character vector representing the input ID set.} \item{chunk}{maximum size of the portion of the input ID list to be used in a single query Fun call.} \item{queryFun}{a functions submitting the query to the Envision Web query system.} \item{verbose}{if TRUE enables diagnostic messages. Default is FALSE.} \item{...}{additional arguments to be passed to queryFun.}}