\name{morphology} \alias{dilate} \alias{closing} \alias{erode} \alias{opening} \alias{makeBrush} \title{Perform morphological operations on images} \description{ Functions to perform morphological operations on binary images. } \usage{ dilate(x, kern, iter) erode(x, kern, iter) opening(x, kern, iter) closing(x, kern, iter) makeBrush(size, shape=c('box', 'disc', 'diamond'), step=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{Image} object or an array. \code{x} is considered as a binary image, whose pixels of value 0 are considered as background ones and other pixels as foreground ones.} \item{kern}{An \code{Image} object or an array, containing the structuring element. \code{kern} is considered as a binary image, whose pixels of value 0 are considered as background ones and other pixels as foreground ones.} \item{size}{A numeric containing the size of the brush, in pixels.} \item{shape}{A character vector indicating the shape of the brush. Can be \code{box}, \code{disc} or \code{diamond}. Default is \code{box}.} \item{step}{a logical indicating if the brush is binary. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{iter}{Deprecated argument.} } \value{ \code{dilate}, \code{erode}, \code{opening} and \code{closing} return the transformed \code{Image} object or array, after the corresponding morphological operation. \code{makeBrush} generates a 2D matrix containing the desired brush. } \details{ \code{dilate} applies the mask positioning its centre over every background pixel (0), every pixel which is not covered by the mask is reset to foreground (1). \code{erode} applies the mask positioning its centre over every foreground pixel (!=0), every pixel which is not covered by the mask is reset to background (0). \code{opening} is an erosion followed by a dilation and \code{closing} is a dilation followed by an erosion. \code{makeBrush} generates brushes of various sizes and shapes that can be used as structuring elements. } \author{ Oleg Sklyar, \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk}, 2006 } \examples{ x = readImage(system.file("images", "shapes.png", package="EBImage")) if (interactive()) display(x) kern = makeBrush(5, shape='diamond') if (interactive()) display(kern, title='Structuring element') if (interactive()) display(erode(x, kern), title='Erosion of x') if (interactive()) display(dilate(x, kern), title='Dilatation of x') ## makeBrush x = makeBrush(100, shape='diamond') if (interactive()) display(x, title="makeBrush(100, shape='diamond')") x = makeBrush(100, shape='disc', step=FALSE) if (interactive()) display(x, title="makeBrush(100, shape='disc', step=FALSE)") }