\name{estimateSizeFactors} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{estimateSizeFactors} \title{ Estimate the size factors for a CountDataSet } \description{ Estimate the size factors for a CountDataSet } \usage{ estimateSizeFactors( cds, locfunc=median ) } \arguments{ \item{cds}{ a CountDataSet } \item{locfunc}{ a function to compute a location for a sample. By default, the median is used. However, especially for low counts, the \code{\link[genefilter]{shorth}} may give better results. } } \details{ You need to call this function right after \code{\link{newCountDataSet}} unless you have manually specified size factors. Typically, the function is called with the idiom \code{ cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) } This estimates the size factors and stores the information in the object. Internally, the function calls \code{\link{estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix}}. See there for more details on the calculation. } \value{ The CountDataSet passed as parameters, with the size factors filled in. } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \seealso{ \code{\link{estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix}} } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) sizeFactors( cds ) }