\name{aggregateFun} \alias{aggregateFun} \title{Aggregate Statistical Functions for DEDS} \description{ This function takes statistic functions and creates a function that takes a matrix as a single argument. The statistic functions are bound in the environment of the returned function and are applied sequentially to the argument of the returned function. } \usage{ aggregateFun(...) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{Functions of various statistics, could be in a list. } } \details{ The function takes several statistics functions or a list of these functions and returns a function (F) with bindings to the input statistics functions. F takes a data matrix as its single argument, and apply the bound statistical functions sequentially to the data matrix. } \value{ It returns a function that takes a matrix as its single argument. The function returns a matrix of statistics, with \eqn{m} rows corresponding to variables (hypotheses) and \eqn{n} columns corresponding to specified statistics. } \author{ Yuanyuan Xiao, \email{yxiao@itsa.ucsf.edu}, \cr Jean Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.ucsf.edu}. } \seealso{\code{\link{comp.t}}, \code{\link{comp.FC}}, \code{\link{comp.F}}, \code{\link{comp.SAM}}, \code{\link{comp.modt}}, \code{\link{comp.modF}}, \code{\link{comp.B}}} \examples{ X <- matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1), nc=10) L <- rep(0:1,c(5,5)) t.fun <- comp.t(L) fc.fun <- comp.FC(L) sam.fun <- comp.SAM(L) ffun <- aggregateFun(list(t.fun, fc.fun, sam.fun)) stats <- ffun(X) } \keyword{manip}