\name{uniprotToAffy} \alias{uniprotToAffy} \title{ Obtain Affymetrix probeset IDs for given Uniprot IDs. } \description{ Obtain Affymetrix probeset IDs for given Uniprot IDs, using DAVIDQuery. } \usage{ uniprotToAffy(uid = "O00161", ...) } \arguments{ \item{uid}{ Uniprot IDs, either a string with the IDs separated by commas, or else a character vector. } \item{\dots}{ Args to be passed to \code{DAVIDQuery()}. } } \value{ The output of \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. If only the DAVIDQueryResult component is desired, include the arg \code{details=FALSE}. If probesets from a specific chip are desired, then you can intersect these results with the results of \code{\link{getAffyProbesetList}}. } \note{ There is currently no provision for using \code{\link{DAVIDQueryLoop}} .} \author{ Roger Day } \seealso{ \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}} } \keyword{ database }