\name{findInBrackets} \alias{findInBrackets} \title{Extract the substring(s) between the left and right brackets...} \usage{findInBrackets(string, left, right, includeLeft=FALSE, includeRight=FALSE)} \description{Extract the substring(s) between the left and right brackets where left is the last occurence of the left bracket before the first occurence of the right bracket} \value{substring between the left and right brackets. If not found, returns empty string.} \keyword{internal} \author{Roger Day, Alex Lisovich} \arguments{\item{string}{character string to extract substring from} \item{left}{left bracket (character string)} \item{right}{right bracket (character string)} \item{includeLeft}{if TRUE include left bracket into the result string. Default is FALSE} \item{includeRight}{if TRUE include right bracket into the result string. Default is FALSE}} \examples{\dontrun{ # obtain an HTML page represented by a character string conversionPage # then extract the link to the data file with extension 'txt': fileName<-findInBrackets(conversionPage,"href=\"",".txt"); }}