\name{DAVIDQueryLoop} \alias{DAVIDQueryLoop} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Access DAVID multiple times. } \description{ Make a query larger than DAVID allows in one go, by looping, respecting the limitations imposed by DAVID policies. } \usage{ DAVIDQueryLoop( idList = unlist(strsplit(strsplit("P31946 P62258 P29360 P42655 Q63631\nP01892 O19619 P06338 P10313 P30444 P30445 P30446 P30514\n", " ")[[1]], "\n")), idLimit = 100, sleepSeconds = 10, hitsPerDayLimit = 200, verbose = FALSE, testMe = FALSE, type, annot, tool, graphicMenu = FALSE, formatEach = FALSE, formatAll = FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{idList}{ IDs of interest for query. } \item{idLimit}{ Published limit of number of ID's to process in one call.} \item{sleepSeconds}{ Published minimum time between iterations } \item{hitsPerDayLimit}{Published maximum URL calls to the API per day from one address.} \item{verbose}{Print out tracking information as the queries are sent. } \item{testMe}{ Runs DAVIDQueryLoop with arguments set as follows: annot=NULL, tool="geneReportFull", type="UNIPROT\_ACCESSION", verbose=TRUE } \item{type}{See \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. } \item{annot}{See \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. } \item{tool}{See \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. } \item{graphicMenu}{See \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. } \item{formatEach}{Passed to \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}} as the \code{formatIt} argument. } \item{formatAll}{Assembled results are sent to \code{\link{formatDAVIDResult}}. } \item{\dots}{ Other args to be passed to \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}. } } \value{ The results of DAVIDQuery bound together with \code{\link{rbind}}. Not printed (returned invisibly). } \note{ For some choice of the \code{tool} argument, the result returned may differ if \code{idLimit} is changed. } \author{ Roger Day } \seealso{ \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}} } \keyword{ database }