Bond Matrices
Creates a bond matrix from \code{SDF} and \code{SDFset} objects. The matrix contains the atom labels in the row and column titles and the bond types are given in the data part as follows: 0 is no connection, 1 is a single bond, 2 is a double bond and 3 is a triple bond.
conMA(x, exclude = "none")
\code{SDF} or \code{SDFset} containers
if \code{exclude="none"}, then all atoms will be considered in the resulting connection table; if \code{exclude=c("H")}, then the H atoms will be excluded. Any number of atom labels to be excluded can be passed on to this argument in form of a \code{character} vector.
If \code{x} is of class \code{SDF}, then a single bond \code{matrix} is returned. If \code{x} is of class \code{SDFset}, then a \code{list} of matrices is returned that has the same length as \code{x}.
Thomas Girke
Functions: \code{bonds}

Class: \code{SDF} and \code{SDFset}
## Instances of SDFset class
sdfset <- sdfsample

## Create bond matrix for first two molecules in sdfset
conMA(sdfset[1:2], exclude=c("H"))

## Return bond matrix for first molecule and plot its structure with atom numbering
conMA(sdfset[[1]], exclude=c("H"))
plot(sdfset[1], atomnum = TRUE, noHbonds=FALSE , no_print_atoms = "", atomcex=0.8)

## Return number of non-H bonds for each atom 
rowSums(conMA(sdfset[[1]], exclude=c("H")))
\keyword{ utilities }