\name{segmentCytoplasma} \alias{segmentCytoplasma} \title{ Internal function to segment cell cytoplasma } \description{ The functions segments the cytoplasm of a cell.} \usage{ segmentCytoplasma(img, imgW, indexWhitePixel, imgG, index, hF) } \arguments{ \item{img}{ The image.} \item{imgW}{ The segmented image.} \item{indexWhitePixel}{ Index of white pixels.} \item{imgG}{ The greyscale image.} \item{index}{ THe index of the cells.} \item{hF}{ The hull features of the cells} } \details{ The function is an internal function.} \value{ The segmented cytoplasma } \author{ Henrik Failmezger, } \examples{ #segment image f = system.file('extdata' ,'exImg.jpg',package='CRImage') segmentationValues=segmentImage(f,maxShape=800,minShape=40,failureRegion=2000) image=segmentationValues[[1]] segmentedImage=segmentationValues[[2]] imageFeatures=segmentationValues[[3]] } \keyword{ misc }