\name{classificationAperio} \alias{classificationAperio} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Classification of ScanScopeTX Slides.} \description{ The slides are segmented and classified. } \usage{ classificationAperio(fileLocation, filename, pathToOutputFolderImgDir, classifier, pathToOutputFolderImgDirFiles, pathToOutputFolderImgDirImages, pathToOutputFolderImgDirCellDensity, blockSlice, sliceColors, sizeO, index, cancerIdentifier,maxShape=NA,minShape=NA,failureRegion=NA,KS=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{fileLocation}{ location of the image file } \item{filename}{ name of the image file } \item{pathToOutputFolderImgDir}{ path where the classified images are saved } \item{classifier}{ the classifier object } \item{pathToOutputFolderImgDirFiles}{ the path where the files with the cellularity values should be saved.} \item{pathToOutputFolderImgDirImages}{ the path where the classified images are saved.} \item{pathToOutputFolderImgDirCellDensity}{ the path where the cancer heatmaps are saved } \item{blockSlice}{which slide does the image have } \item{sliceColors}{colors to label the classes} \item{sizeO}{ size of the image } \item{index}{ index of the image } \item{cancerIdentifier}{ label of the cancer identifier } \item{maxShape}{Maximum size of cell nuclei} \item{minShape}{ Minimum size of cell nuclei } \item{failureRegion}{ minimum size of failure regions} \item{KS}{Apply KernelSmoother?} } \details{ The function is an internal function which is used by processAperio. } \author{ Henrik Failmezger, failmezger@cip.ifi.lmu.de } \examples{ t = system.file("extdata", "trainingData.txt", package="CRImage") #read training data trainingData=read.table(t,header=TRUE) #create classifier classifier=createClassifier(trainingData,topo=FALSE)[[1]] #classify aperio f = system.file("extdata", package="CRImage") f=file.path(f,"8905") dir.create("AperiOutput") #takes long time! #processAperio(classifier=classifier,inputFolder=f,outputFolder="AperiOutput",identifier="Da",numSlides=2,cancerIdentifier="1",maxShape=800,minShape=40,failureRegion=2000) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{misc}