\title{ Breakpoint detection for arrayCGH data. }
  A wrapper function to run existing breakpoint detection algorithms on arrayCGH data. Currently only DNAcopy is implemented.
segmentData(input, method = "DNAcopy", ...)
  \item{input}{ Object of class \code{\link[CGHbase:class.cghRaw]{cghRaw}}. }
  \item{method}{ The method to be used for breakpoint detection. Currently only 'DNAcopy' is supported, which will run the \code{\link[DNAcopy]{segment}} function.}
  \item{\dots}{ Arguments for \code{\link[DNAcopy]{segment}}. }
	See \code{\link[DNAcopy]{segment}} for details on the algorithm.
  This function returns a dataframe in the same format as the input with segmented arrayCGH data.
	Venkatraman, A.S., Olshen, A.B. (2007). A faster circulary binary segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array CGH data. \emph{Bioinformatics, 23}, 657-663.
\author{ Sjoerd Vosse & Mark van de Wiel }
  \dontrun{segmented.data <- segmentData(WiltingNorm, alpha=0.02)}
\keyword{ misc }