\name{matchWCP} \alias{WCPscoreStartingAt} \alias{matchWCP} \alias{matchWCP,character-method} \alias{matchWCP,XString-method} \alias{matchWCP,XStringViews-method} \alias{matchWCP,MaskedXString-method} \alias{countWCP} \alias{countWCP,character-method} \alias{countWCP,XString-method} \alias{countWCP,XStringViews-method} \alias{countWCP,MaskedXString-method} \title{A simple WCP matching function and related utilities} \description{ A function implementing a simple algorithm for matching a set of patterns represented by Weighted Clustered Positions (WCP) to an XString sequence. } \usage{ matchWCP(wcp, subject, min.score="80\%") countWCP(wcp, subject, min.score="80\%") WCPscoreStartingAt(wcp, subject, starting.at=1) } \arguments{ \item{wcp}{ A \link{WCP} object. } \item{subject}{ An \link{XString}, \link{XStringViews} or \link{MaskedXString} object for \code{matchWCP} and \code{countWCP}. A \link{XString} object for \code{WCPscoreStartingAt}. } \item{min.score}{ The minimum score for counting a match. Can be given as a character string containing a percentage (e.g. \code{"85\%"}) of the highest possible score or as a single number. } \item{starting.at}{ An integer vector specifying the starting positions of the Weighted Clustered Positions relatively to the subject. } } \value{ An \link{XStringViews} object for \code{matchWCP}. A single integer for \code{countWCP}. A numeric vector containing the Weighted Clustered Positions-based scores for \code{WCPscoreStartingAt}. } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{ \code{\link{matchPWM}}, \code{\link{matchPattern}}, \link{WCP-class}, \link{XString-class}, \link{XStringViews-class} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip} \keyword{utilities}