\name{prepareReference} \alias{prepareReference} \title{ Prepare reference data for the RNA-Seq Pipeline } \description{ \code{prepareReference} downloads reference genome or transcriptome for the selected organism from the Ensembl database and processes it so that it can be used by the pipeline. \code{prepareReference} requires an Internet connection. } \usage{ prepareReference(organism, version = "current", type = c("genome", "transcriptome"), location = getDefaultReferenceDir(), aligner = c("bwa", "bowtie", "tophat"), refresh = FALSE, run = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{organism}{ supported organism names can be viewed in the Ensemble database. Check 'ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub'. } \item{version}{ 'current' or other appropriate version. Check 'ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub'. } \item{type}{ two values are supported: "genome", "transcriptome" } \item{location}{ indicates where the reference data should be stored. } \item{aligner}{ 3 types of aligners are supported: 'bwa', 'bowtie' and 'tophat'. } \item{refresh}{ if TRUE, existing reference data will be rebuilt. } \item{run}{ if FALSE, the downloading and processing commands will not be executed. } } \value{ The output is the version of the organism reference that has been downloaded and processed. The reference files are kept in the folder defined in \code{location} parameter. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTS}}, \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTSFastQ}}, \code{\link{prepareAnnotation}}} \author{ Andrew Tikhonov , Angela Goncalves } \examples{ if (isRCloud()) { par(ask = FALSE) # the following piece of code will take ~3 hours to complete # # if executed on a local PC, make sure tools are available # to the pipeline. Check initDefaultEnvironment help page # for instructions. # # create directory # # Please note, tempdir() is used for automamtic test # execution. Select directory more appropriate and # suitable for keeping reference data. # referencefolder = paste(tempdir(), "/reference", sep = "") dir.create(referencefolder) # download and prepare reference prepareReference("Homo_sapiens", version = "GRCh37.61", type = "genome", aligner = "bowtie", location = referencefolder ) prepareReference("Homo_sapiens", version = "GRCh37.61", type = "transcriptome", aligner = "bowtie", location = referencefolder ) prepareReference("Mus_musculus", version = "current", type = "genome", aligner = "bowtie", location = referencefolder ) prepareReference("Mus_musculus", version = "current", type = "transcriptome", aligner = "bowtie", location = referencefolder ) } }