\name{getPipelineOption} \alias{getPipelineOption} \title{ Get ArrayExpressHTS option } \description{ \code{getPipelineOption} returns ArrayExpressHTS option specified by option name. } \usage{ getPipelineOption(name, options = defaultOptions) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ name of the option to return. In order to see all options, use \code{\link{getPipelineOptions}}; } \item{options}{ options environment, by default the ArrayExpresHTS option environment; } } \value{ The result is the value of the option. } \seealso{ \code{\link{getPipelineOptions}}, \code{\link{setPipelineOptions}}, \code{\link{initDefaultEnvironment}}, \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTS}}} \author{ Andrew Tikhonov , Angela Goncalves } \examples{ getPipelineOption("trace"); getPipelineOption("cufflinks"); getPipelineOption("bowtie"); getPipelineOption("tophat"); getPipelineOption("samtools"); }