\name{pickRefSeq} \alias{pickRefSeq} \alias{pickRefSeq.mRNA} \alias{pickRefSeq.Protein} \title{Picks a prioritised RefSeq identifier from a list of identifiers...} \usage{pickRefSeq(l, priorities=c("NP", "XP", "NM", "XM"), reduce=c("all", "first", "last")) pickRefSeq.mRNA(l) pickRefSeq.Protein(l)} \description{Picks a prioritised RefSeq identifier from a list of identifiers} \details{When translating to RefSeq, typically multiple identifiers are returned, referring to different types of products, such as genomic molecule, mature mRNA or the protein, and they can be predicted, properties that can be read from the prefix (\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/refseq/key.html}). E.g. "XM_" is predicted mRNA and "NP_" is a protein. Run \code{?org.Bt.egREFSEQ}.} \value{If vector given, returns vector. If list given, returns list without element where nothing could be picked.} \author{Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{stefanm.edwards@agrsci.dk}} \arguments{\item{l}{Vector or list of RefSeqs accessions to pick from. If list given, applies the prioritation to each element in the list.} \item{priorities}{Character vector of prioritised prefixes to pick by. Eg. \code{c("NP","NM")} returns RefSeqs starting 'NP', and if none found, those starting 'NM'. If no RefSeqs are found according to the priorities, Null is returned, unless the last element in priorities is '*'. Uses grepl, so see these for pattern matching. Default: c('NP','XP','NM','XM')} \item{reduce}{Reducing method, either return all annotations (one-to-many relation) or the first or last found annotation. The reducing step is applied after translating to the goal: \code{all}: returns all annotations \code{first} or \code{last}: choose first or last of arbitrarily ordered list.}} \examples{library(org.Bt.eg.db) symbols <- c("SERPINA1","KERA","CD5") refseq <- translate(symbols, from=org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG, to=org.Bt.egREFSEQ) mRNA <- pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NM','XM')) proteins <- pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NP','XP')) # The same. mRNA <- pickRefSeq.mRNA(refseq) proteins <- pickRefSeq.Protein(refseq)}