\name{pickGO} \alias{pickGO} \title{Cleans up result from org...} \usage{pickGO(l, evidence=NA, category=NA)} \description{Cleans up result from org.Xx.egGO and returns specific GO identifiers} \details{Cleans up result from org.Xx.egGO and returns GO identifier for either biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), or molecular function (MF). Can be used on list of GOs from \code{\link{translate}}, or a single list of GOs from an annotation package. May reduce list, if the (sub)list does not contain the chosen class!} \value{List with only the picked elements.} \author{Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{stefanm.edwards@agrsci.dk}} \seealso{\code{\link{pickRefSeq}}, \code{\link{getEvidenceCodes}}, \code{\link{translate}}} \arguments{\item{l}{Character vector, or list of, og GO identifiers.} \item{evidence}{Character vector, filters on which kind of evidence to return; for a larger list see \code{\link{getEvidenceCodes}}. \\* Evidence codes may be: \code{c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA','TAS','NAS','ND','IC')}. \\* Leave as \code{NA} to ignore filtering on this part.} \item{category}{Character vector, filters on which ontology to return: biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), or molecular function (MF). \\* Leave as \code{NA} to ignore filtering on this part.}} \examples{library(org.Bt.eg.db) genes <- c(280705, 280706, 100327208) GO <- translate(genes, org.Bt.egGO) # Get all biological processes: pickGO(GO, category='BP') # Get all ontologies with experimental evidence: pickGO(GO, evidence=c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA'))}