\name{mapLists} \alias{mapLists} \title{Replaces contents of list A with elements of list B...} \usage{mapLists(A, B, removeNAs=TRUE)} \description{Replaces contents of list A with elements of list B} \details{Combines two lists, \code{A} and \code{B}, such that \code{names(A)} are preserved, mapping to the values of \code{B}, using \code{names(B)} as look up. Ie. replaces values in \code{A} with values in \code{B}, using \code{names(B)} as look up for values in \code{A}. Once more? See examples. \emph{NB!} None-mapped entries are returned as NA, but can be removed using \code{\link{removeNAs}}.} \value{List.} \seealso{\code{\link{removeNAs}}} \author{Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{stefanm.edwards@agrsci.dk}} \arguments{\item{A}{List, elements are coerced to character for mapping to B.} \item{B}{List.} \item{removeNAs}{Boolean, whether to remove the \code{NA}s that occur because an element was not found in \code{B}.}} \examples{A <- list('a1'='alpha','a2'='beta','a3'=c('gamma','delta')) B <- list('alpha'='b1', 'gamma'=c('b2', 'b3'), 'delta'='b4') mapLists(A, B)}