\name{AnnotationFuncs-package} \title{Annotation translation functions} \description{Annotation translation functions} \details{\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab AnnotationFuncs\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.1.2 \cr Date: \tab 2011-05-04\cr License: \tab Artistic (>= 2)\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } Functions for handling translations between different identifieres using the Biocore Data Team data-packages (e.g. \code{org.Bt.eg.db}). Primary function is \code{\link{translate}} for translating. Other functions include functions for selecting Refseqs or Gene Ontologies (GO).} \alias{AnnotationFuncs} \docType{package} \author{Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{stefanm.edwards@agrsci.dk}} \references{\url{http://www.iysik.com/}} \keyword{package} \seealso{\code{\link{translate}}, \code{\link{getOrthologs}}} \note{Requires user to deliver the annotation packages such as \code{org.Bt.egREFSEQ}.} \examples{library(org.Bt.eg.db) gene.symbols <- c('DRBP1','SERPINA1','FAKE','BLABLA') # Find entrez identifiers of these genes. eg <- translate(gene.symbols, org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG) # Note that not all symbols were translated. # Go directly to Refseq identifiers. refseq <- translate(gene.symbols, from=org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG, to=org.Bt.egREFSEQ) # Pick the proteins: pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NP','XP'), reduce='all')}