\name{org.Sc.sgdREJECTORF} \alias{org.Sc.sgdREJECTORF} \title{Rejected Yeast Genes (ORF)} \description{ This is based upon Real and rejected yeast ORFs from Kellis et al. (2003) to list the rejected genes by this criteria. } \details{ A character vector which contains yeast ORFs which are rejected in the reading frame conseration (RFC) test in Kellis et al. (2003). } \references{ Manolis Kellis, Nick Patterson, Matthew Endrizzi, Bruce Birren and Eric S. Lander, Sequencing and comparison of yeast species to identify genes and regulatory elements. Nature 423, 241-254 (15 May 2003) } \examples{ head(org.Sc.sgdREJECTORF) } \keyword{datasets}