\name{hgu95bprobe} \docType{data} \alias{hgu95bprobe} \title{Probe sequence for microarrays of type hgu95b.} \description{This data object was automatically created by the package AnnotationDbi version 1.11.8.} \usage{data(hgu95bprobe)} \format{A data frame with 201862 rows and 6 columns, as follows. \tabular{lll}{ sequence \tab character \tab probe sequence \cr x \tab integer \tab x-coordinate on the array \cr y \tab integer \tab y-coordinate on the array \cr Probe.Set.Name \tab character \tab Affymetrix Probe Set Name \cr Probe.Interrogation.Position \tab integer \tab Probe Interrogation Position \cr Target.Strandedness \tab factor \tab Target Strandedness\cr }} \source{The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was HG-U95B\_probe\_tab.} \keyword{datasets} \examples{ hgu95bprobe as.data.frame(hgu95bprobe[1:3,]) }