\name{ath1121501ACCNUM} \alias{ath1121501ACCNUM} % \alias{ath1121501MULTIHIT} \title{Map between manufacturer IDs and AGI locus IDs} \description{ \code{ath1121501ACCNUM} is an R object that provide mappings between manufacturer IDs and AGI locus IDs. } \details{ Each manufacturer ID is mapped to a vector of AGI locus IDs. If a manufacturer ID is mapped to multiple AGI locus IDs, then all of these AGI locus IDs will be listed. For \code{ath1121501ACCNUM} an \code{NA} is assigned to those manufacturer IDs that can not be mapped to an AGI locus ID at this time. Mappings were based on data provided by: Tair ftp://ftp.arabidopsis.org/Microarrays/Affymetrix/affy\_ATH1\_array\_elements-2009-7-29.txt With a date stamp from the source of: 2010-Sep01 } \seealso{ \code{\link[AnnotationDbi:Bimap-toTable]{nhit}} } \examples{ x <- ath1121501ACCNUM # Get the probe identifiers that are mapped to a chromosome mapped_probes <- mappedkeys(x) # Convert to a list xx <- as.list(x[mapped_probes]) if(length(xx) > 0) { # Get the AGI locus IDs for the first five probes xx[1:5] # Get the first one xx[[1]] } ## y <- ath1121501MULTIHIT ## identical(keys(x), keys(y)) # TRUE # nhx <- nhit(x) # nhy <- nhit(y) # identical(names(nhx), keys(x)) # TRUE # identical(names(nhy), keys(y)) # TRUE # table(nhx) # table(nhy) # onehit_probes <- names(nhx)[nhx != 0 & nhy == 0] # x[[onehit_probes[1]]] # a single AGI locus ID # y[[onehit_probes[1]]] # NA # multihit_probes <- names(nhx)[nhy != 0] # x[[multihit_probes[1]]] # "multiple" # y[[multihit_probes[1]]] # several AGI locus IDs # nohit_probes <- names(nhx)[nhx == 0] # x[[nohit_probes[1]]] # NA # y[[nohit_probes[1]]] # NA # any(nhx == 0 & nhy != 0) # FALSE # ## Back to a more "normal" map (that combines the data from 'x' and 'y') # xy <- as(x, "AnnDbBimap") # 'as(y, "AnnDbBimap")' works too # xy[[onehit_probes[1]]] # a single AGI locus ID # xy[[multihit_probes[1]]] # several AGI locus IDs # xy[[nohit_probes[1]]] # NA } \keyword{datasets}