\name{KEGGPATHID2NAME} \alias{KEGGPATHID2NAME} \title{An annotation data object that maps KEGG pathway identifiers to KEGG pathway names} \description{ KEGGPATHID2NAME maps KEGG pathway identifiers to pathway names used by KEGG for various pathways } \details{ This is an R object containing key and value pairs. Keys are KEGG pathway identifiers and values are pathway names. Values are vectors of length 1. Mappings were based on data provided by: KEGG PATHWAY ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg/pathway With a date stamp from the source of: 2010-Sep2 } \references{ \url{ftp://ftp.genome.ad.jp/pub/kegg/pathways} } \examples{ xx <- as.list(KEGGPATHID2NAME) if(length(xx) > 0){ # get the value for the first key xx[[1]] # Get the values for a few keys if(length(xx) >= 3){ xx[1:3] } } } \keyword{datasets}