\name{targetscan.Hs.egMIRNA} \alias{targetscan.Hs.egMIRNA} \title{Annotation of miRBase identifiers to associated data} \description{ This data set gives mappings between miRBase identifiers and their respective associated data. } \details{ This is an R object containing key and value pairs. Keys are miRBase identifiers and values are their associated data. Values are simple named lists of the following members: \describe{ \item{MiRBase.ID}{The miRBase identifier, it starts with a three letter species code.} \item{MiRBase.Accession}{Accession number of the miRNA.} \item{Seed.m8}{miRNA seed, seven bases from the 5' end og the miRNA.} \item{Species}{Scientific name of the species.} \item{Mature.sequence}{Mature sequence of the miRNA.} \item{Family.conservation}{Level of conservation of the miRNA family.} } The package contains the data for \emph{all} miRBase identifiers, the ones for other species as well. } \references{ \url{http://www.targetscan.org} for TargetScan and \url{http://microrna.sanger.ac.uk/sequences/} for miRBase. } \examples{ ## Query some random miRBase identifiers fams <- sample(ls(targetscan.Hs.egMIRNA), 3) mget(fams, targetscan.Hs.egMIRNA) } \keyword{datasets}