\name{spkPot} \alias{spkPot} \title{Probability of being in the Top} \description{ Compute the probability that a spike-in with a nominal fold change of 2 appears in the the top 0.5\% (default) of log-ratios. } \usage{ spkPot(object, spkSlopeOut, sig, SD, precisionQuantile) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a SpikeInExpressionSet object} \item{spkSlopeOut}{the output from the spkSlope function} \item{sig}{the signal detect slopes from a call to spkSlope} \item{SD}{the standard deviation from spkAccSD} \item{precisionQuantile}{the desired quantile to compute the probability of being above} } \value{ A vector of probabilities for each ALE strata. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) affySlope <- spkSlope(affy) affyAccSD <- spkAccSD(affy, affySlope) spkPot(affy, affySlope, affySlope$slopes, affyAccSD, .995) } \keyword{manip}