\name{spkDensity} \alias{spkDensity} \title{Spike-in Density Plot} \description{ A density plot of the non-spike-in expression with a rug of the average expression at each spike-in level. } \usage{ spkDensity(object, spkSlopeOut, cuts=TRUE, label = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a SpikeInExpressionSet object} \item{spkSlopeOut}{the output from the spkSlope function} \item{cuts}{if TRUE vertical lines are drawn at the expression values separating low vs medium and medium vs high ALE strata} \item{label}{a character string to insert into the plot title} \item{...}{arguments passed to the plot function} } \details{ This function requires the output of spkSlope. } \value{ Density plot is produced. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) affySlope <- spkSlope(affy) spkDensity(affy,affySlope) } \keyword{hplot}