\name{spkBox} \alias{spkBox} \title{Fold Change Calculations} \description{ A function to calculate the log-ratios stratified by which ALE groups yield the comparison. They are stratified by which bins are being compared to produce the given fold change. } \usage{ spkBox(object, spkSlopeOut, fc = 2, tol = 3, reduce=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a SpikeInExpressionSet object} \item{spkSlopeOut}{the output of the spkSlope function} \item{fc}{the fold change of interest} \item{tol}{the precision (number of digits after decimal point) in fc} \item{reduce}{if TRUE the number of points plotted in the null bins is reduced} } \details{ This function requires the output of spkSlope. } \value{ A list with the log-ratios separated by ALE strata comparison. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) affySlope <- spkSlope(affy) spkBox(affy,affySlope) } \keyword{manip}