\name{plotSpkBox} \alias{plotSpkBox} \title{Boxplots of Fold Changes Calculated by spkBox} \description{ Plots boxplots of the data resulting from a call to spkBox. } \usage{ plotSpkBox(boxs, fc=2, box.names=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{boxs}{the output of a call to spkBox} \item{fc}{expected fold change} \item{box.names}{names to be printed below each boxplot} \item{...}{parameters passed to boxplot} } \value{ Boxplots for spike-in and non-spike-in comparisons stratified by ALE strata are produced. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) affySlope <- spkSlope(affy) affyBox <- spkBox(affy, affySlope) plotSpkBox(affyBox) } \keyword{hplot}