\name{journalpng} \alias{journalpng} \alias{screenpng} \title{ Produce a device for producing artwork for presentations and journals } \description{ journalpng generates a device to print a 4 x 4 inch 300 dpi figure (by default). screenpng does the same, but 72dpi. } \usage{ journalpng(file="figure.png",width=4, height=4,res=300) screenpng(file="figure.png",width=4, height=4,res=72) } \arguments{ \item{file}{ the file to write the figure to } \item{width}{ the width of the figure } \item{height}{ its height } \item{res}{ resolution in dots-per-inch } } \value{ A table containing annotation data } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \examples{ \dontrun{ journalpng(file="results/figure1.png"); # starts a new device trad.scatter.plot(exprs(eset)[,1],exprs(eset)[,2]) dev.off(); # writes the file at this point. } } \keyword{ misc }