\name{"summary-methods"} \docType{methods} \alias{"summary-methods"} \alias{summary,"ANY-method"} \alias{summary-methods} \title{Summary of object} \description{ A summary such as statistics or the names of the list items will be output depending on the class of object. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "ANY"}{usually a print-out of statistics and names} \item{object = "FCSmetadata"}{Displays the structure of this object} \item{object = "FCS"}{A "FCSsummary" object is returned; Displays five-number summary using Tukey's method and the standard deviation for each column variable in the data of the FCS object and a print-out of information about the metadata, showing the description of the slots, the column parameter descriptives, and the slotNames in metdata@fcsinfo.} \item{object = "PRIM.step"}{A matrix summarizing the iterations for the step is output} \item{object = "PRIM.step.set"}{A list of matrices summarizing the iterations for each step is output ; the names of the list components is 'peel.step' and 'expand.step'} \item{object = "PRIM.crossval.step"}{A list of 'PRIM.step.set' summary outputs is output; the list is indexed by testdata set "TD*" where "*" is the numeric ID} }} \keyword{methods} \keyword{data}