\name{"[<--methods"} \docType{methods} \alias{"[<--methods"} \alias{[<--methods} \alias{"[<-"-methods} %\alias{"subsetassign-methods"} \alias{"[<-"} \alias{[<-,ANY-method} \alias{[<-,genericFunction-method} \title{Replacement and/or Addition of new slot or indexed elements using "[<-"} \description{ This method replaces the slot with a value that is assigned. In circumstances mentioned below, a new slot can also be added. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "ANY"}{Replaces a slot with the assigned value.} \item{x = "FCSmetadata"}{ Replaces the slot with the assigned value. If using a single character string index such as the slotNames ("mode" or "\$MODE"; "size" or "\$TOT"; "nparam" or "\$PAR"; "longnames" or "\$PnS" or "\$P1S" or "\$P2S" etc...; "shortnames"or "\$PnN" or "\$P1N" or "\$P2N" etc...; "paramranges" or "\$PnR" or "\$P1R" or "\$P2R" etc...;"fcsinfo";"objectname", "original", "filename") as well as the "fcsinfo" slotNames can be assigned a value. If no slot is found by the character index referring to the slotName, then a new slot will be made in the "fcsinfo" list with the particular character index as the slotName will be added along with the value that is assigned. If using a numeric single-valued or numeric vector index, only the "fcsinfo" slots are numerically indexed and assigned a new value. } \item{x = "FCS"}{Replaces the indexed data portion of the object } \item{x="PRIM.step"}{ replaces the object via a character slot name and/or a numeric iteration ID } \item{x="PRIM.step.set", y="missing"}{ replaces the object via a character slot name for the step (ie, "peel.step" or "expand.step") and with an optional slot name for the "PRIM.step" object. } \item{x="PRIM.crossval.step", y="missing"}{ replaces the object via a character slot name and/or a numeric testdata ID } } } \keyword{methods} \keyword{data}