\name{rect.box.idx} \alias{rect.box.idx} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Superimposes a rectangle on an existing plot given positional indicies} \description{ The boundaries of a rectangle are determined from a vector of positional indicies 'box.idx' and the given variables, 'x1' and 'x2'. This box is then displayed on the existing plot. } \usage{ rect.box.idx(x1, x2, box.idx = NULL, original.data.idx = 1:length(x1), border = "black", lwd = 3, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x1}{vector of values for variable 1} \item{x2}{vector of values for variable 2} \item{box.idx}{vector of positional indicies that indicate the box to be shown} \item{original.data.idx}{positional values of the current 'x1' and 'x2' observations} \item{border}{the color of the outline of the box or rectangle} \item{lwd}{the width of the lines of the box} \item{\dots}{ other options in \link{rect}} } \details{ This function would be coupled with the use of \link{ContourScatterPlot} to show the boxes obtained by 'do.PRIM' (Patient Rule Induction Method) from the \pkg{rfcprim} package. PRIM is a semi-automated bump-hunting program. } \value{ } \references{ See details in \pkg{rfcprim}} \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \seealso{ \code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}}, \pkg{rfcprim} library } \examples{ if (require(rfcdmin)){ data(PRIM.example.data) if (require(rfcprim)){ ## only the peeling step is implemented out.peel <- peel.step(X.PRIM, Y.PRIM) if (interactive()){ ContourScatterPlot(X.PRIM[,1], X.PRIM[,2], status=Y.PRIM, main="z statistic", xlab=col.nm[4], ylab=col.nm[5], image.col=heat.colors(20),plot.legend.CSP=TRUE) ## the Green box is the initial estimate of the first rule ## after the peeling step rect.box.idx(out.peel@best.box.idx, X.PRIM[,1], X.PRIM[,2], border="green") } } } } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS