\name{pairs.CSP} \alias{pairs.CSP} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Contour/Hexbin Scatterplot Matrices} \description{ A pairs plotting of histograms and rectangular-binned or hexagonal-binned image plots are produced using \code{hist} and \code{ContourScatterPlot}, respectively. } \usage{ pairs.CSP(x, status=NULL, box.idx.list=NULL, type.CSP=c("count.diff", "p.hat", "p.hat.norm", "z.stat"), alternate.hexbinplot=FALSE, n.hexbins=100, range.x=range(x), varlabpos=round(seq(range.x[1], ceiling(diff(range.x)/150)*150+range.x[1], by=150),0), cutoffs = seq(range.x[1], ceiling(diff(range.x)/25)*25+range.x[1], by=25), labels = colnames(x), panel = ContourScatterPlot, main="", image.col=heat.colors(10), numlev=5,..., lower.panel = legend.CSP, upper.panel = panel, overlay.panel=rect.box.idx, border.boxes=1:length(box.idx.list), lwd.boxes=rep(3,length(box.idx.list)), lty.boxes=rep(1,length(box.idx.list)), label.pos = 0.5, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap=1, ch.col=c("heat.colors(n)", "rainbow(n, start=.7, end=.1)", "terrain.colors(n)", "topo.colors(n)", "cm.colors(n)")) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{matrix of data in which the columns are the variables and the rows are the individual observations} \item{status}{ numerical binary 0, 1 vector denoting the status of the observations; default is NULL} \item{box.idx.list}{a list of vectors indicating the positions of 'x' which form a box to be overlayed on the binned plot in the upper and lower panels of the hexbin plot and the only the upper panel of the rectangular-binned plot by default } \item{type.CSP}{character string denoting the type of value to be estimated using the 'status' for each cell grid: the difference in counts ("count.diff"), the proportion ("p.hat"), the normalized proportion at 0.5 ("p.hat.norm"), the z.statistic ("z.stat"), see \link{make.density} for details.} \item{alternate.hexbinplot}{Boolean; if TRUE then alternate hexbin pairs plot is used; otherwise the ContourScatterPlot with rectangular bins is implemented} \item{n.hexbins}{number of bins for hexbin call; default is 100} \item{range.x}{vector denoting the min and the max of the observation values across all variable columns} \item{varlabpos}{vector of position of the variable values in which to label the x and y axes } \item{cutoffs}{the cutoffs for the x and y axes of the rectangular bins when alternate.hexbinplot is FALSE} \item{labels}{the labels for the diagonals when alternative.hexbinplot is TRUE} \item{panel}{default panel function; currently this is the contour scatter plot with rectangular bins; this option is ignored when 'alternate.hexbinplot' is TRUE} \item{main}{the main title for the rectanglar Contour scatter plot when alternative.hexbinplot is FALSE} \item{image.col}{image colors for the rectangular bins when alternative.hexbinplot is FALSE} \item{numlev}{number of levels for the contours for the rectangular bins when alternative.hexbinplot is FALSE} \item{\dots}{other options in \code{hexagons} or \code{ContourScatterPlot}} \item{lower.panel}{function for the lower panels of the pairs plot; currently this is fixed as a hexbin (when 'alternate.hexbinplot' is TRUE) or the legend.CSP (when 'alternative.hexbinplot' is FALSE) } \item{upper.panel}{function for the upper panels of the pairs plot; currently this is fixed as a hexbin or contour scatter plot } \item{overlay.panel}{Function which describes the overlay image on the panels; currently this option only works with the 'rect.box.idx' function and other functions that have the same signature} \item{border.boxes}{vector of corresponding border colors for each of the boxes in 'box.idx.list'} \item{lwd.boxes}{vector of corresponding widths for each of the outlined boxes in 'box.idx.list'; default is for all the boxes to have lwd = 3} \item{lty.boxes}{vector of corresponding line types for each of the outlined boxes in 'box.idx.list'; default is for all the boxes to have lty = 1} \item{label.pos}{position of the labels on the diagonal panels which are currently fixed as histograms; this option is not in use currently.} \item{cex.labels}{ cex for the labels, used only when 'alternative.hexbinplot' is TRUE } \item{font.labels}{ font for the labels, used only when 'alternative.hexbinplot' is TRUE } \item{row1attop}{ boolean if row 1 is at the top, used only when 'alternative.hexbinplot' is TRUE } \item{gap}{ used only when 'alternative.hexbinplot' is TRUE } \item{ch.col}{character string denoting the type of color palette used for the rectangular-binned image to be displayed in the legend when 'aternate.hexbinplot' is FALSE; default is "heat.colors(n)"} } \details{ There are no legends for the hexagonal (when 'alternate.hexbinplot' is TRUE) but there is a roughly estimate legend available for the rectangular binning (when 'alternate.hexbinplot' is FALSE) in the pairs plot. } \value{ A pairs plot is displayed. NOTE: The histograms on the diagonals are of the whole dataset regardless of the value of the cells in each ContourScatterPlot. } \references{Hexbin, other papers.} \author{J.Y. Wan and A.J. Rossini} \seealso{objects to See Also as 'hexbin' in the \pkg{hexbin} package} \examples{ if (interactive()){ if (require(rfcdmin)){ data.there<-is.element(c("st.1829", "unst.1829", "st.DRT", "unst.DRT"),objects()) if ( ( sum(data.there) != length(data.there) )){ ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data data(VRCmin) } ## subsetting the data for quicker plot display of less data data.mat1<-st.DRT@data[1:10000, 1:5] ## hexagonal binning pairs.CSP(data.mat1, alternate.hexbinplot=TRUE) ## rectangular binning with legends pairs.CSP(data.mat1, numlev=3, image.col=heat.colors(20)) ## rectangular binning without legends pairs.CSP(data.mat1, numlev=3, image.col=heat.colors(20), lower.panel=ContourScatterPlot) ## putting a box around the observations ## greater than 500 for the second variable ## less than 200 for the first variable idx1<-which(data.mat1[,2] > 500) ## green box idx2<-which(data.mat1[,1] < 200) ## blue box box.idx.list<-list(idx1, idx2) ## hexbin plots pairs.CSP(data.mat1, box.idx.list=box.idx.list, alternate.hexbinplot=TRUE, border.vec=c("green", "blue")) ## rectangular binned plots pairs.CSP(data.mat1, box.idx.list=box.idx.list, alternate.hexbinplot=FALSE,border.vec=c("green", "blue"), lower.panel=ContourScatterPlot) } } } \keyword{hplot}