\name{ImageParCoord} \alias{ImageParCoord} \alias{JointImageParCoord} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Image Parallel Coordinates Plot: Joint and marginal} \description{ This function constructs an image plot in which a rectangular grid structure displays the change of observations from the value of one variable to the value of the next variable. The vertical axis of the image plot denotes the value of the variables that are labeled on the horizontal axis. Traditionally, the lines in a parallel coordinates plot represent the movement of each observation from one variable to the next, but in this case a colored image transition column will represent the movement of observations from cell to cell in the image grid produced by horizontal bins on the vertical axis and vertical divisions between variables and transitions between variables labeled on the horizontal axis. Lines with scaled widths overlaying the image plot indicate the movement of observations from binned values of one variable to the binned values of another (either marginally and only between pairs of variables using \code{ImageParCoord} OR jointly across all variables using \code{JointImageParCoord}). Histograms for each variable and the transitions between the variables can be plotted as well. } \usage{ ImageParCoord(x, num.bins=10, range.var=range(x), break10 = NULL, joint=FALSE, title="", use.shortnames=FALSE, color.image=gray((25:5/25)[-c(1,2,3, 4, 5, 6)]), xwidth.scale=5, ntrans=1, legend.plotted=TRUE, legend.shrink = 0.9, hist.plotted=FALSE, image.plotted=TRUE, para.plotted=FALSE, lines.plotted=TRUE, lwd.vec=1:7, lty.vec=rep(1,7), col.vec=7:1, range.image=c(0,dim(x)[1]), horizontal.legend = TRUE, offset.legend=0.03, nlevel.legend=length(color.image), xlab.image="", ylab.image="Bins", MY.DEBUG=TRUE,...) JointImageParCoord(x, num.bins=10, range.var=range(x), break10=NULL, title="", use.shortnames=FALSE, color.image=gray((25:5/25)[-c(1,2,3, 4, 5,6)]), xwidth.scale=5, ntrans=1, legend.plotted=TRUE, legend.shrink = 0.9, hist.plotted=FALSE, image.plotted=TRUE, para.plotted=FALSE, lines.plotted=TRUE, lwd.vec=1:7, lty.vec=rep(1,7), col.vec=7:1, range.image=c(0, dim(x)[1]), horizontal.legend = TRUE, offset.legend=0.03, nlevel.legend=length(color.image), xlab.image="", ylab.image="Bins", MY.DEBUG=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{data matrix from a FCS object; data has columns as the variables and rows as the cells and assume that all column variables are of the same unit and range} \item{num.bins}{numeric value denoting the number of horizontal bins on the vertical axis to determine how well-defined/sharp the columns of the image plot are; default value is 10 bins} \item{range.var}{a 2-dimensional vector denoting the minimum value and the maximum value of the variables to be plotted; default is the range of the FCS object data} \item{break10}{vector denoting the breaks for the binning on the vertical axis; default is equal interval binning denoted by num.bins unless otherwise specified; the breaks must include the range of the variable; each bin is denoted by an open lower value and a closed upper value, ie, (a,b] where a and b are breakpoints and a