\name{ReadBPMAPAllSeqHeader} \alias{ReadBPMAPAllSeqHeader} \title{Reading All the BPMAP Sequence Header} \description{ Reading the header of a specified sequence in the BPMAP file. Several sequences could be stored in a single Affymetrix Tiling Array. For example, an array could contain probes from Chromosome 21 and Chromosome 22. The sequenceNum uniquely specifies a sequence. Information about this sequence could be determined in this function. The total number of sequences a tiling array contains can be determined in ReadBPMAPHeader(fileName). The sequenceNum indexes from 0 to (total number of sequences -1). } \usage{ ReadBPMAPAllSeqHeader(fileName) } \arguments{ \item{fileName}{the full path of the BPMAP file to be read.} } \details{ The BPMAP Sequence Header gives information about the design of the tiling array. } \value{ A list of vectors containing SeqName, GroupName, version, npnrobeMapping, seqNum, and NumHits. } \author{ Charles Cheung, \email{cykc@interchange.ubc.ca} and Raphael Gottardo, \email{raphael.gottardo@ircm.qc.ca} Arnaud Droit, \email{arnaud.droit@ircm.qc.ca} } \seealso{ \code{BPMAPCelParser()} for an one-step BPMAP/CEL parser and \code{affyTile} for information about the package. } \examples{ #################################################### #The data are in inst/doc folder in rMAT package. #################################################### pwd<-"" #INPUT FILES- BPMAP, ARRAYS, etc. path<- system.file("doc/Sc03b_MR_v04_10000.bpmap",package="rMAT") bpmapFile<-paste(pwd,path,sep="") pathCEL<- system.file("doc/Swr1WTIP_Short.CEL",package="rMAT") arrayFile<-paste(pwd,c(pathCEL),sep="") # Show the all the different sequences ReadBPMAPAllSeqHeader(bpmapFile) } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}