\name{robustscale} \alias{robustscale} \title{Robust Estimation of Median (center) and MAD (scale)} \description{ Smoothing spline estimate of median and mean absolute deviation (MAD). } \usage{ robustscale(y, x, nslice=400, corcenter=TRUE, decrease=TRUE) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{y}{response} \item{x}{predictor} \item{nslice}{number of slices (should be "large")} \item{corcenter}{correct for center} \item{decrease}{force MAD to decrease with \code{x}} } \details{ This divides data into roughly many \code{nslice} slices and computes median and mean absolute deviation (\code{mad}) for each slice. These are then smoothed using \code{smooth.spline}. } \value{ Data frame containing significant genes with the following information: \item{center}{estimate of center median} \item{scale}{MAD estimate of scale} \item{x}{ordered \code{x} values for plotting} \item{y}{\code{y} sorted by \code{x}} } \author{Yi Lin} \seealso{\code{\link{mad}}, \code{\link{smooth.spline}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ robustscale(y,x) } } \keyword{robust} \keyword{smooth}