\name{ocLapply} \alias{ocLapply} \title{ lapply-like function that parallelizes code when possible. } \description{ ocLapply is an lapply-like function that checks if ff/snow are loaded and if the cluster variable is set to execute FUN on a cluster. If these requirements are not available, then lapply is used. } \usage{ ocLapply(X, FUN, ..., neededPkgs) } \arguments{ \item{X}{first argument to FUN.} \item{FUN}{function to be executed.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments to FUN.} \item{neededPkgs}{packages needed to execute FUN on the compute nodes.} } \details{ \code{neededPkgs} is needed when parallel computing is expected to be used. These packages are loaded on the compute nodes before the execution of FUN. } \value{ A list of length length(X). } \author{ Benilton S Carvalho } \seealso{lapply, setCluster, parStatus} \keyword{manip}