\name{plotSampleRelation} \alias{plotSampleRelation} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ visualize the sample relations } \description{ plot the sample relations based on MDS or hierarchical clustering } \usage{ plotSampleRelation(x, selProbe = NULL, cv.Th = 0.1, standardize = TRUE, method = c("cluster", "mds"), dimension = c(1, 2), color = NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{a LumiBatch object, ExpressionSet object or a matrix with each column corresponding to a sample} \item{selProbe}{ the selected probes used to determine the sample relations. If not provide, all the probes will be used. } \item{cv.Th}{ the threshold of the coefficient of variance of probes used to select probes to estimate sample relations } \item{standardize}{ standardize the expression profiles or not } \item{method}{ "MDS" or "hierarchical clustering" } \item{dimension}{ the principle components to visualize the MDS plot } \item{color}{ the color for each sample during plot. Only support the "mds" method } \item{\dots}{ Other parameters used by plot function. } } \details{ Estimate the sample relations based on selected probes (based on large coefficient of variance (mean / standard variance)). Two methods can be used: MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) or hierarchical clustering methods. } \value{ Plot the results or return the distance matrix. } \author{ Pan Du } \seealso{ \code{\link{lumiQ}}, \code{\link{LumiBatch}}, , \code{\link{plot.LumiBatch}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) ## plot the sample relations with MDS ## the color of sample is automatically set based on the sample type plotSampleRelation(example.lumi, col=c('100US', '95US:5P', '100US', '95US:5P')) ## plot the sample relations with hierarchical clustering plotSampleRelation(example.lumi, method='cluster') } \keyword{ hplot }