\name{plotHousekeepingGene} \alias{plotHousekeepingGene} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Plot the housekeeping gene expression profile} \description{ Plot the housekeeping gene expression profile } \usage{ plotHousekeepingGene(controlData, lib = NULL, slideIndex = NULL, addLegend = TRUE, logMode = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{controlData}{ a LumiBatch object including control data or a control data data.frame } \item{lib}{ the annotation library (for retrieving the gene name) } \item{slideIndex}{ the slide index or ID corresponding to each sample } \item{addLegend}{ whether add legend or not } \item{logMode}{ whether show the data in log2 scale } \item{\dots}{ other parameters used by default matplot function } } \details{ } \value{ plot the picture and return TRUE if everything is OK } \references{ } \author{ Pan Du } \seealso{ \code{\link{addControlData2lumi}}, \code{\link{plotControlData}} } \examples{ controlFile <- system.file('doc', 'Control_Probe_Profile.txt', package='lumi') controlData <- getControlData(controlFile) plotHousekeepingGene(controlData) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}