\name{nuID2IlluminaID} \alias{nuID2IlluminaID} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Matching nuIDs to Illumina IDs based on Illumina ID mapping library} \description{ Matching nuIDs to Illumina IDs based on Illumina ID mapping library } \usage{ nuID2IlluminaID(nuID, lib.mapping=NULL, species = c("Human", "Mouse", "Rat", "Unknown"), idType=c('All', 'Probe', 'Gene', 'Accession', 'Search_key', 'Symbol'), chipVersion = NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{nuID}{ a vector of nuIDs } \item{lib.mapping}{ the ID mapping library. If it is provided, the parameter "species" will be ignored. } \item{species}{ the species of the chip designed for. If users do not know it, it can be set as "Unknown".} \item{idType}{ the Illumina ID type} \item{chipVersion}{ chipVersion information returned by function \code{\link{getChipInfo}} } \item{\dots}{ other parameters of \code{\link{getChipInfo}} } } \details{ The parameter "idType" represents different types of Illumina IDs. It returns the entire table when idType = "All". When idType = 'Probe', it returns "ProbeId" or "Probe\_Id". When idType = 'Gene', it returns "Target" or "ILMN\_Gene" IDs. This function basically returned the "idMapping" item returned by function \code{\link{getChipInfo}}. If nuID is NULL and chipVersion is provided, it will return all mapping information of the chip. } \value{ The mapping information from nuID to Illumina ID. It will be a matrix with each column corresponding to one matched manifest file when parameter "returnAllMatches" is TRUE. In this case, the columns are sorted from the best match to worst. } \author{Pan Du} \seealso{ \code{\link{getChipInfo}}, \code{\link{IlluminaID2nuID}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) nuIDs <- featureNames(example.lumi) if (require(lumiHumanIDMapping)) { illuminaID <- nuID2IlluminaID(nuIDs[1:5], lib='lumiHumanIDMapping') illuminaID } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{methods} \keyword{utilities}