\name{lumiExpresso} \alias{lumiExpresso} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{From raw Illumina probe intensities to expression values} \description{ Goes from raw Illumina probe intensities to expression values } \usage{ lumiExpresso(lumiBatch, bg.correct = TRUE, bgcorrect.param = list(method='bgAdjust'), variance.stabilize = TRUE, varianceStabilize.param = list(), normalize = TRUE, normalize.param = list(), QC.evaluation = TRUE, QC.param = list(), verbose = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{lumiBatch}{ a LumiBatch object, which can be the return of \code{\link{lumiR}} } \item{bg.correct}{ a boolean to decide whether to do background correction or not } \item{bgcorrect.param}{ a list of parameters of \code{\link{lumiB}} } \item{variance.stabilize}{ a boolean to decide whether to do variance stabilization or not } \item{varianceStabilize.param}{ a list of parameters of \code{\link{lumiT}} } \item{normalize}{ a boolean to decide whether to do normalization or not } \item{normalize.param}{ a list of parameters of \code{\link{lumiN}} } \item{QC.evaluation}{ a boolean to decide whether to do quality control estimation before and after preprocessing } \item{QC.param}{ a list of parameters of \code{\link{lumiQ}} } \item{verbose}{ a boolean to decide whether to print out some messages } } \details{ The function is to encapsulate the major functions of Illumina preprocessing. It is organized in a similar way as the \code{\link[affy]{expresso}} function in affy package. } \value{ return a processed LumiBatch object. The operation history can be track in the history slot of the object. } \author{ Pan Du } \seealso{ \code{\link{lumiB}}, \code{\link{lumiT}}, \code{\link{lumiN}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) ## Do all the default preprocessing in one step lumi.N <- lumiExpresso(example.lumi) ## Do customized preprocessing. No variance stabilizing or log transform, use Quantile normalization. lumi.N <- lumiExpresso(example.lumi, variance.stabilize=FALSE, normalize.param = list(method='quantile')) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ methods }