\name{example.lumi} \alias{example.lumi} \docType{data} \title{Example LumiBatch object includes example data} \description{ Example data as a LumiBatch object which is a subset of Barnes data (Barnes, 2005) } \usage{data(example.lumi)} \format{ A 'LumiBatch' object } \details{ The data is from (Barnes, 2005). It used Sentrix HumanRef-8 Expression BeadChip. Two samples "100US" and "95US:5P" (each has two technique replicates) were selected. In order to save space, 8000 genes were randomly selected. As a result, the example data includes 8000 genes, each has 4 measurements. The full data set was included in the Bioconductor Experiment data package lumiBarnes. The entire data set has been built as a lumiBarnes data object and can be downloaded from Bioconductor Experiment Data. } \references{ Barnes, M., Freudenberg, J., Thompson, S., Aronow, B. and Pavlidis, P. (2005) Ex-perimental comparison and cross-validation of the Affymetrix and Illumina gene expression analysis platforms, Nucleic Acids Res, 33, 5914-5923. The detailed data information can be found at: http://www.bioinformatics.ubc.ca/pavlidis/lab/platformCompare/ } \examples{ ## load the data data(example.lumi) ## summary of the data example.lumi } \keyword{datasets}