\name{inout.hex} \alias{inout.hex} \title{Check points for inclusion} \description{ Check which points are in hexagons with \code{count} <= mincnt. } \usage{ inout.hex(hbin, mincnt) } \arguments{ \item{hbin}{an object of class \code{\link{hexbin}}.} \item{mincnt}{Cutoff, id's for counts less than mincnt are returned} } \details{ Check which points are in hexagons with \code{count} <= mincnt and returns the row ids for those points. One can use the ids to plot low ount hexagons as points instead. } \value{ A vector with the row ids of points which fall in hexagons with \code{count} less than or equal to mincnt } \author{Nicholas Lewin-Koh} \seealso{\code{\link{plotMAhex}}} \keyword{misc}