\name{wgs} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{wgs} \docType{data} \title{ Bacterial assembly sequences } \description{ Bacterial whole genome shotgun (wgs) assemblies in the Entrez Genome database } \usage{data(wgs)} \format{ A genomes data frame with 1000+ observations on the following 9 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{acc}}{accession number without trailing 00000000} \item{\code{name}}{taxonomy name} \item{\code{status}}{status, always Assembly} \item{\code{released}}{release date} \item{\code{size}}{size (bp)} \item{\code{proteins}}{proteins} \item{\code{rna}}{RNA} \item{\code{genes}}{genes} \item{\code{updated}}{update date} } } \details{ See the left side bar at the Genomes home page at \url{ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=genome} } \source{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/genlist.cgi?taxid=2&type=3} } %\references{} \examples{ data(wgs) wgs summary(wgs)[[1]] data(lproks) ## missing dates in genome project - paste 8 zeros to acc and match to refseq without dates x <- subset(wgs, paste( wgs$acc, "00000000", sep="") \%in\% lproks$refseq[is.na(lproks$released)], c(name, released, status)) x table(format(x$released, "\%Y-\%m")) ## better plot than ## plotby(lproks, lsort=FALSE) plotby(rbind(x, lproks[,c("name", "released", "status")]), log='y') } \keyword{datasets}